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Vol. 6 - Editors Note

Vol. 6 - Editors Note


Your Problem, My Problem, or Our Problem: A Life-Changing Perspective

One of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned came from Daniel’s dad. While sharing a story about a challenge he faced in his relationship with Daniel’s mom, he mentioned a simple yet profound framework that’s guided me ever since.

Whenever faced with a conflict, he’d ask himself:

1. Is this my problem?
2. Is this their problem?
3. Is this our problem?

This approach has been a game-changer in navigating relationships, work, and even everyday encounters. Here’s why:

1. Is This My Problem?

This question prompts self-reflection. If the issue comes from within, it’s an opportunity for growth. By understanding why something bothers you, you can learn to handle it better and become a stronger version of yourself.

2. Is This Their Problem?

This one is freeing. When the issue is entirely theirs, you can release responsibility and avoid taking it personally. It’s not about dismissing the problem but understanding that it’s not yours to fix. It helps me let go and move on.

3. Is This Our Problem?

Shared problems call for teamwork. When both people contribute to an issue, it’s a chance to communicate, collaborate, and strengthen your bond by solving it together. Instead of playing the blame game, this mindset encourages you to approach the situation as a team, which is essential for healthy relationships.

Why It Works

This method has taught me to let go of what’s not mine and to grow by owning what is. It simplifies problems, reduces stress, and keeps life moving forward with less drama.

So, next time you’re faced with a challenge, ask yourself: Is this my problem, their problem, or our problem? You’ll find clarity, peace, and a path forward every time.

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