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some ice breakers...

  1. If you could name a star, what would you name it and why?
  2. How does looking at the stars make you feel about our place in the universe?
  3. Imagine our perfect picnic basket. What's inside?
  4. Share a childhood memory related to the stars or space. Did you ever wish upon a star?
  5. If we could travel to any planet together for a day, which one would you choose and why?

Did you know?

  • The stars we see at night are far away and exist in the past; the light we see has taken years to reach us.
  • Many cultures have used the stars to create stories and myths, guiding navigation and marking the changing seasons.
  • The North Star, Polaris, has held a significant place in navigation for centuries because it appears to remain stationary in the night sky.
  • Shooting stars are actually not stars but meteors burning up as they enter Earth's atmosphere.
  • The closest star system to Earth, Alpha Centauri, is about 4.37 light-years away, meaning the light we see from it today actually left the system over four years ago.

Tips to Get Started & Alternatives

  • Preparation: Download a stargazing app to identify constellations, planets, and stars more easily during your date.
  • Comfort: Dress warmly and bring extra blankets; it can get colder at night, especially in open spaces.
  • Timing: Plan your date around a new moon phase to ensure the sky is darkest and stars are most visible.
  • Location: Research and choose a spot known for clear skies and minimal light pollution; national parks are often great choices.
  • Backup Plan: If the weather doesn't cooperate, have a planetarium visit as a backup. Many offer night shows that simulate the night sky.
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