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Ice Breakers

  1. What impact do you hope our volunteering will have on the community and why
  2. How does engaging in acts of kindness towards others change the way you feel about yourself
  3. What other ways do you think we can contribute to our community together in the future
  4. Share a moment when someones kindness made a significant impact on your life

Fun Facts...

  1. Studies show that volunteering not only helps the community but can also improve the volunteers' mental and physical health, leading to lower stress and depression levels.
  2. The concept of "pay it forward" can be traced back to ancient Athens, where it was described by the playwright Menander in 317 BC.
  3. Volunteers are the backbone of many non-profit organizations, with an estimated 25% of adults in the United States volunteering in some capacity each year.


  1. Choose an activity that resonates: Talk about what causes are important to both of you and decide on a volunteering activity that feels meaningful.
  2. Prepare mentally and physically: Depending on the activity, ensure you're dressed appropriately and are prepared for the physical or emotional aspects of the task.
  3. Reflect together afterwards: Take some time after the volunteering experience to discuss what you learned and felt. It can be a powerful way to process the experience and its impact.
  4. Plan for regular engagement: If the experience was positive, consider making volunteering a regular part of your relationship to continue strengthening your bond and making a difference.
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